Tuesday, February 14, 2006

3rd item: Multi-purpose stick-on mini alarm clock

Background: When you are living with a few people under the same roof and that place happens to have only 1 toilet, it is quite possible that your housemate might have just finished doing their ‘business’ when you walk in. Now that is a very unpleasant smell if they have had constipation for the last few days. What is a cool & trendy way to inform other people not to ‘tail-gate’ after you to prevent such an awkward situation?

Answer: A stick-on alarm clock

This gadget can be set to display different messages and ring tones for different occasions. For example, when it is used to inform the user when s/he is baking a cake, the alarm tone can be set differently from when it is used in the toilet situation above (in which a flashing warning would be sufficient). This stick-on alarm clock will be attachable to any types of surfaces and easily removable when needed, thus providing a hassle-free and trendy alternative to the conventional alarm clocks.

Other uses:
1) Normal alarm clocks
2) Recording of TV shows
3) Time to meals/ medications

Possible idea buyer: 3M, some dodgy Chinese producers?


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