Monday, February 27, 2006

4th item: Digital camera with video record + Frame freeze function

Idea: From reading Time in the toilet (?)

Background: Have you ever recorded a video, and while watching it discovered a special moment that you want to immortalize in picture form? This product features frame freeze feature that will help you capture the magic of that moment.

Whenever I record videos with my mobile phones, I always find some interesting moments (when I pause the videos while watching them) that I wish could be saved in a picture form so that it can be printed and framed. My thought at that time was: ‘wouldn’t it be easy for people to press another button to freeze the moment and save it in a picture form at the same time?’

Issues: Technological issues, such as whether it is actually possible to pause the video and convert that moment to the picture format at the same time.

Possible idea buyers: Mobile phone producers + Digital cameras producers

Conclusion: given all the new innovations in the digital cameras lately, this is one new addition that will certainly be welcomed by the consumers. Therefore, I predict that this idea will be a key feature in many digital cameras very soon.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

3rd item: Multi-purpose stick-on mini alarm clock

Background: When you are living with a few people under the same roof and that place happens to have only 1 toilet, it is quite possible that your housemate might have just finished doing their ‘business’ when you walk in. Now that is a very unpleasant smell if they have had constipation for the last few days. What is a cool & trendy way to inform other people not to ‘tail-gate’ after you to prevent such an awkward situation?

Answer: A stick-on alarm clock

This gadget can be set to display different messages and ring tones for different occasions. For example, when it is used to inform the user when s/he is baking a cake, the alarm tone can be set differently from when it is used in the toilet situation above (in which a flashing warning would be sufficient). This stick-on alarm clock will be attachable to any types of surfaces and easily removable when needed, thus providing a hassle-free and trendy alternative to the conventional alarm clocks.

Other uses:
1) Normal alarm clocks
2) Recording of TV shows
3) Time to meals/ medications

Possible idea buyer: 3M, some dodgy Chinese producers?

Monday, February 06, 2006

2nd item: Room humidity controller

Another post from my other blog 4 months ago:

Was rushing out to school this morning when I came up with this idea. When I was halfway between my place and Uni, I was trying to remember whether I did or didn't turn off the heater in my room before I left. I had once left it on when I was out for the whole day and Derrick told me he had to turn it off coz he could virtually feel the heat enveloping the whole apartment :) & he also correctly pointed out that it could potentially lead to fire burning down the whole place as my heater doesn't have any stand and so it's resting on the carpet floor (it did come with the stand, but I couldn't figure out how to install it & so I just left it alone...).

& as I was thinking of that, an idea just popped up in my mind: what if the room humidity is so high that it's impossible to start a fire? It would work well when people are out of their houses and they have forgotten to turn their dangerous appliances off (eg. heater, toaster, oven, etc).

More analysis:

Product: Room humidity controller

Uses: Automatically switched on when people exit the door (so there is a sensor connected to the door to switch on the controller), this device could help prevent small fire from starting up in the first place, which in turn could stop other things from catching fire and burn down the whole place. Obviously this device would have to be turned off when there are people inside since it'd be intolerable for them (equivalent of staying in Singapore or Indonesia... Wonder how people still survive there..).

Product specification: Controller connected to some sort of water sprinkler to keep humidity at high level when people exit the building or room. Built in duct to suck away the moisture really fast (5 mins. max.) when people enter the room to make it comfortable for people to stay inside again.

Commercial analysis: I'd think that this idea would work well if some product engineers could come up with the right equipment as I specified. Imagine if every house or building has one of these devices installed (& they pay me 20% royalty), I'd be a millionaire in a few years time! A bit too far-fetched perhaps, but I really think this idea could work. It would save a lot of buildings from being burned down due to some minor accidents relating to fire and possibly save lives too. Imagine a toddler being left in the house and small fire started somewhere inside it. With this device, it could save the baby & the property at the same time. Hmm, I'm getting a bit enthusiastic about this idea now.

Suggestions & comments people? (Incentives: I might make you guys partners in my hypothetical firm!!)

1st product: Underwater Hair Gel

This is a previous post from my other blog sometime ago:

I don't know what it is for other people, but I find it really annoying having to re-gel my hair everytime I have appointment after a swim. It takes quite some time & also I don't feel comfortable with people staring at me when I'm gelling my hair. Obviously it would be good if I don't have to do that and can just walk off after the swim and look the same as before the swim. An underwater hair gel would do the trick as it is not washed off and it won't be necessary to re-apply it again.

Issues: but then there comes the problem: what do we do when we actually need to wash it off if water doesn't do the job? The solution I came up with was that the gel has to be engineered so that it can only be washed off with a combination of water and chemical X, which would come with the gel packaging. This seems to be a reasonable solution, until the fact that people do not actually like putting unknown chemicals on their heads struck me...

Possible idea buyers: Gatsby (the one I'm using now!), etc

Conclusion: This product would solve my problems for me, since I'm really into swimming a lot, but even that would not convince me to actually put chemicals on my head to wash off the hair gel. Therefore, I believe this again will be a flop in the market. Or is it? If people could come up with suggestions on how we can use the gel underwater but still does not present any hazards to the users when we need to wash it off, this could really work!!!

P.S. leave your ideas, suggestions & thoughts in the comments!

Sunday, February 05, 2006


I've mentioned this in my other blog before, but i'm just gonna write it here again. Every now & then when I'm doing my mindless routines (walkin' to Uni, reading in the toilet, etc), I'd be hit by an idea to improve something in my own life. I figured, if something affects me, then it must be bothersome to a lot of other people too. & hence the birth of this blog to announce my ideas to help the general public. Of course, all the ideas in this blog are lawfully mine (Read: copyrighted) and anyone who uses part or all of the contents in this blog are subjected to royalty payments :)

On the other hand, if anyone who reads this blog has contacts in any of the companies that value creativity (eg. 3M, Samsung, etc), please leave a msg here or email me at I would be very GRATEFUL (read: $$$/shared royalties?) for your help!!